I was born in 1967 in Santiago, Chile. Both grandparents were Croatians immigrants to Chile about 1920’s. My father is a Croatian descendent born in Chile.
Croatian Great grandparents, Nikola Goles and Maria Brlkjaca, near 1910. This picture was a legacy for their children, sent to an uncertain destiny in South America.
With my father, aged 7, 1974, Santiago.
I attended public schools during my whole elementary years, but when I started highschool, I was accepted in “Instituto Nacional” wich turned out to be an excellent means that made me grow and develop myself. After my highschool years, I entered the University of Chile where I studied Medicine.
After graduating, I did a three-year residency (medico General de Zona Rural) in different faraway sites, within Chile. That was a very special event in my life.Back in Santiago, I started my post graduate program in Anesthesiology, also in Universidad de Chile (a fellow), so, at last, I become an Anesthesiologyst.After that, I worked in the operatory room at an oncologic hospital for about 8 years, being this a beautiful experience that gave me the chance to meet great human beings. In 2004 I made a visit to M.D.Anderson Cancer Center at Houston, Texas.
Some years ago, I married Lorena. After living in Santiago for a long while, we decided to move to Illapel, a little town located 300 kms north of Santiago (the fact that this town had a good night sky, was only “coincidence”) since we didn’t like the Santiago’s urban way of living and the stress it takes. My wife is a Bussiner Administrator and a Fashion Designer, but today she spend her time in rural housekeeping, bees, vegetables cultures, and, of course, our daughters. We have three little girls and three dogs, in a place located 6 kms for the center of Illapel town.
My wife harvesting mellons and her honey, the opositte to Neo’s office in the film “The Matrix”, her job until a couple of years ago.
I work at the local hospital… This is another history, a heavier one…
I devote my few remaining time to be at home, working at many rural issues, readings, cultures, and good times with some friends (yes, we have very special friends here, too), and when my wife and daughters allows me, I am in astronomy…
Some years ago, I was lucky to meet very valuable people who encouraged me and reinforced my interest in astronomy: Mr. Jose Maza (an outstanding scientist, astronomer and Chilean National Science Prize), Mr. Daniel Verschatse (see his web site at http://www.verschatse.cl) who has been a real Master for me and many others guys; several persons from Achaya (an astronomy association in Santiago) –I would like to acknowledge the memory of Mr. Bernardo Gonzalez and Mr. Ricardo Gonzalez, they were interesting and smart persons, always they gave me a valuable and friendly contribution; to Mr. Juan Roa, and especially “don Willy”(Guillermo Bustamante) for their words, their astronomy tales and all their support. They always come to rescue me with some smart, simple, home-made solutions that I really appreciate. Thanks a lot.
Other guys I learned many tricks about guiding and astrophotography are Mr. Victor Ramirez, Pedro Aguirre, Carlos Milovic, Alvaro de la Cuadra and Pablo Cereceda.
Recently, some news astrofremen had joined and autoproclamed as “astrotobys”, mainly Mr. Eduardo Latorre and Mr. Joaquin Perez, who with another guys (Sergio de La Fuente, Carlos Campos, Pedro Borja) traveled many miles to La hacienda every new moon, where they are sitted.
Also I want to thank to María Elena Luna, “Lula”, my very-special-english-teacher, who help me so much with this text and many other things.
Other Teachers that I have had at some moments of my life, and that I want to acknowledge them:
-Mr. Raul Godoy Herrera, Professor of Biology, Etology and Genetics in the Universidad of Chile (I always liked your way to see the life, Master…).
-Ms. Teresa Paredes, Biology teacher at Institute National.
-My Father and my Mother.
-My sister Cristina, the most intelligent and sensitive person I never meet in the world.