This site is devoted to astrophotography, personal experiences and many other outsider stuff…
With “ASTROFREMEN” I want to name a special type of people, who like to live and spend nights in the desert, without any comfort, resisting daily high temperatures, and at night, freezing weather…just for the pleasure of taking pictures of the night sky -astrophotos- and to share their skills with similar friends
The word is inspired in the Fremen, a desertic warrior people created by Frank Herbert at his novel “Dune”.
I became an Astrofremen some years ago…when I spent my first night completely alone in the desert (nobody many kms around). Since then, many trips to the desert have past. Today, I have an Observatory, but still I consider myself an Astrofremen; spending a night in the desert, alone or with family or friends, is always a magic event for me.
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One of the best places for astrophoto, near La Silla Observatory, Vallenar, Chile. My first trip alone to the desert. I must to acknwoledge to E.S.O. for permit me to use their left runway to camp with my telescope…
Another travel, same site, with some astrofremens. In the picture me –to the left- and Victor Ramirez, setting up my C11. Carlos Milovic was bussy with his equatorial table. Far away, the E.S.O. telescopes…
Another star party near Illapel, the morning after.
An astro team at the former Daniel Verschatse’s place, Antilhue. From left: Ricardo Garcia, Daniel Verschatse, Joaquin Perez, Pablo Muñoz, Carlos Campos, Carlos Milovic and Me.
Domes at La hacienda, near Rio Hurtado, Chile, a very good place for astrophotographers and tourists from my friend Daniel Verschatse.